
74542 Braunsbach

Im Rabbinat 6



April - Oktober

2. und 4. Sonntag im Monat

14 - 18 Uhr



Anmeldung von Gruppen

und Führungen unter

Tel. 0049 7906-8512  oder

      0049 151 20020778



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Site textos en español.
Un breve resumen de los textos del Museo del Rabinato en español.
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Site textes en français
Un bref résumé des textes du musée du rabbinat en français
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KiRa - Kultur im Rabbinat Förderverein e.V. (Culture in the Rabbinate Support Association)

The support association sees its task in caring for and promoting the museum. Its support is both of ideal and material nature. Furthermore, it promotes local and regional culture.
The association contributes to the cultural life in the community by inviting to talks, exhibitions on history and traditions, as well as other events, organizing tours as well as excursions to exhibitions and the like more, which are all connected to the subject of “Rural Jews in Braunsbach and the region”. In doing so, it puts special emphasis on catching up with the Jewish history of the village.