74542 Braunsbach
Im Rabbinat 6
April - Oktober
2. und 4. Sonntag im Monat
14 - 18 Uhr
Anmeldung von Gruppen
und Führungen unter
Tel. 0049 7906-8512 oder
0049 151 20020778
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We welcome you to physically visit the Rabbinatsmuseum and take advantage of the many offerings on site.
But you may also visit the museum and its outdoor stations on the “Jüdischer Kulturweg Braunsbach” (Jewish Culture Trail Braunsbach )
There are several ways to do this:
You may download the museum app in the Google app / playstore under “Rabbinatsmuseum”.
You may download the app “Jüdischer Kulturweg Braunsbach” either here or in the Google app / playstore.
You may also download the museum’s listening stations to your smartphone:
QR code for the museum´s listening stations
Photo show on the "Jüdischen Kulturweg" in Braunsbach
The historical photos will be shown and explained during a guided tour on the “Jüdischer Kulturweg”.
You may download the information on the Jüdischer Kulturweg Braunsbach by installing this app.